Meet CCA Hero, Asher

A woman holds a young toddler in her arms.

Asher is a super friendly kid with a smile that’s guaranteed to melt your heart. He loves to dance, play with his siblings (all nine of them!), and sing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” song with anyone who cares to join in.

Asher was born with Down syndrome and diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) at the age of 1. But even though his life is filled with tough treatments and extended hospital stays, Asher’s mom, Sharonda, says he continues to bring joy to everyone around him.

“He’s our little Superman,” she says.

Besides the love of his large family, Asher also has the support of his Chemo Pal mentor, Brittany. The two were matched up last year and have been best friends ever since.

“We’re so grateful for our Chemo Pal, who has become a part of our family,” says Sharonda. “If there’s a bright side to this experience, it’s been meeting wonderful people like Brittany.”


Getting Inspired at the Get Inspired Luncheon


Meet CCA Hero, Jordyn