Meet CCA Hero, Lyla

Young girl wears a feather boa

Lyla is a charming four-year-old with a smile that’s just as big as her personality. She loves painting, doing puzzles, baking, and reading books about her favorite characters.

Music Makes It Better

When Lyla was first diagnosed with a Wilms tumor on her kidney, she was pretty unhappy about the whole thing.

“After surgery, she didn’t want to talk to anyone,” said her mom, Yerey. That is, until the MyMusicRx team showed up to visit Lyla in the ICU. By the end of the very first song, her brilliant smile was back.

Lyla’s Hero

Another source of joy for Lyla is her Chemo Pal, Wendy. As she undergoes a tough course of chemotherapy, Lyla says she’s grateful to have a friend to help her get through it. “Wendy is my hero,” she said. “She’s fun to play with and always has toys and fun stuff to do.”

Her mom is grateful for their friendship as well. “When Lyla knows that Wendy will be there, she actually looks forward to going to the hospital,” she said. “Every single visit with her is memorable to Lyla.”

With treatment completed in April, Lyla has a lot to look forward to, like getting back into gymnastics. However, the thing she’s most excited about is the new baby brother or sister that’s on the way.


Where Pure Joy Hides


The Bond Between A Mother, A Daughter, and A Chemo Pal