Meet CCA Hero, Veda

A girl stands with a hand on her hip.

Veda is a charming young talent who is truly wise beyond her years. Both compassionate and polite, she’ll greet you with a handshake, a warm smile, and ask how you’re doing today.

Fighting Leukemia

This remarkable poise and grace have helped her face some daunting medical challenges in the past year. Last January, she started experiencing seizures and was placed in a medically induced coma for over two months. Tests eventually revealed leukemia — and thus began a grueling course of treatment that involved over 20 rounds of chemotherapy.

Throughout her journey, CCA was there to provide friendship with a wonderful Chemo Pal mentor named Jacqueline. Veda also enjoyed regular jam sessions with the MyMusicRx Specialists. And when she started learning to play guitar, we bought Veda one of her very own.

Finding Her Passion

Today, Veda is in the maintenance phase of her treatment plan and eagerly getting back to her favorite activities: writing, playing music, and especially singing. While she’s talented enough to pursue a career as a vocalist, her real passion is helping others — especially kids and animals.

“I don’t like to think about kids or animals suffering, and I want to help,” she explained. “So I’d like to be a veterinarian or maybe start a nonprofit to help kids somehow.”

When asked to describe a hero, Veda replied, “Someone who’s brave and strong and helpful and caring.”

We think she fits the definition perfectly.


Sharing the Valentine’s Day Love with the Children’s Cancer Association


The Enduring Power of Friendship