JoyRx Music Returns to Randall Children’s Hospital for Second Summer Concert Series

Group of musicians stand on a stage, performing music.

On Tuesday, June 25, JoyRx Music took to the stage to host a summer concert at Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel.

Last year, we hosted the first summer concert in the same location, so it was a joy to return to the courtyard for our second summer performance. Partnering with SoundsTruck NW to perform on their beautiful mobile stage, JoyRx hosted three performances for the two-hour concert.

We estimate that nearly 200 people were in attendance for this two-hour concert, featuring our own Portland-based JoyRx Music team, JoyRx-served patient Connor and friends, and the amazing duo, Stella y Ricardo.

“All three groups were phenomenal,” said Kacy Smerke, JoyRx Director of Programs, PNW. “They put on a great show! Big thanks to [our Music Specialists] for their beautiful performance as well as coordinating the logistics and guest performers.”

“It was so beautiful and inspiring to watch,” agreed Brennan Collins, Senior Video Content Creator, who was there to record the concert for livestreaming. “Seeing the crowd get into it was so cool, too.”

In addition to the three performers, the concert opened with a tribute to JoyRx-served teen, Chava, who sadly died last year shortly after performing in the first concert series alongside his band, Poder Designado.

This year, Ochoas Lupitas was back again with delicious burritos, tacos, and other Mexican fare. Dairy Hill Ice Cream was also new, offering ice cream sandwiches, root beer floats, and frozen bananas. Both are donating a portion of their proceeds to JoyRx and Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel! In addition, Ochoas Lupitas donated thirty meals to Randall families who came to the concert. Yum!

This year, JoyRx will host two summer concerts at Randall Children’s Hospital. We’re looking forward to our second concert in September and can’t wait for all the families and hospital staff to join us!


Happy 29 Years, JoyRx!


Joy to Give: Q&A with JoyRx Mentor Tresa