JoyRx Music Welcomes First New Partner in Utah

Doodle of Utah on a tye-dye background.

We’re pleased to announce our newest hospital partner for 2024. Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, joined the JoyRx Music Network on May 7.   

This marks our first partnership for our new fiscal year — and our first partnership in Utah. We launched our new service with a Digital Live concert in partnership with Seacrest Studios.   

JoyRx Music Specialist Kelsey hosted the SINGO concert while playing songs for the kids. The concert ended with six SINGO wins and great feedback from patients and staff.   

Digital Live will provide bi-weekly concerts to the kids, including popular activities such as song request concerts, SINGO, and Musical Madlibs, all through Seacrest Studios broadcasts.   

Additionally, we’ll provide On Demand services, with curated packages sent to hospital staff to entertain children through their existing technology.   

With recent expansion over the past year through our JoyRx Music Network, we’re excited to start May off with new partnerships, new songs, and even more kids enjoying the power of music.   

“We are so excited to welcome Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital to our network,” said Elke Downer, JoyRx Music Manager. “We look forward to the next concert!”   

Shane, the Broadcast Studio Program Specialist, shared: “JoyRx’s programming has provided patients with uplifting and engaging experiences from either their hospital rooms or in Seacrest Studios. JoyRx is enjoyed by all patients, family, and staff which has cultivated such a fun atmosphere here at Primary Children’s.”

Visit our JoyRx Music page to learn more about our program and the connection it helps create through its different delivery methods.  


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