Leadership Change at JoyRx: A New Chapter

Purple banner that reads, "An Announcement from JoyRx."

Dear Friends of JoyRx,

As the founder of JoyRx, I am writing on behalf of my colleagues on the Board of Directors to inform you of a leadership change. After nearly three years as our CEO, and over six years at the company, Danielle York and JoyRx | Children’s Cancer Association have parted ways.

We are grateful to Danielle for her dedication and leadership of the organization as we responded to the demand for JoyRx from pediatric hospitals across the nation – including her commitment to guiding the team and business throughout the challenges of the pandemic.

During this transition, I will help manage change by increasing my volunteer involvement as our Chief Joy Officer, working closely with my board colleagues and the staff. Clare Hamill, our founding Chair of JoyRx | Children’s Cancer Association, has also returned to lead the Board of Directors. In the coming weeks, Clare will work closely with the Board Executive Committee to develop a thoughtful process and CEO search timeline.

Our executive staff will continue to lead uninterrupted daily operations and excellent program delivery activities for our hub locations of Portland, OR, and Austin, TX, in addition to all services for our nationwide partners. Rest assured that in our twenty-ninth year, we remain strong, sustainable, and continue to deliver mission impact JoyRx programming in key areas in 2024, and beyond.

The national demand for our services and programs has never been greater, and we are committed to answering that demand for the children and families we serve. Your support in that endeavor is essential. Together, we will accomplish so much as we continue to transform the pediatric healthcare experience for seriously ill children and their families across the nation.

Thank you for your care and for being a champion of JoyRx!


Regina Ellis

Founder & Chief Joy Officer
JoyRx | Children’s Cancer Association


JoyRx Presents at the APOSW Conference


A February Full of Joy