Meet CCA Hero, Elijah

Two people stand behind a teenager with one leg, who sits.

Elijah Mott’s smile is a true definition of what joy looks like. It lights up his entire face and appears whenever he talks about this big brother Isaiah, his Chemo Pal mentor, Jack, or his favorite team on the planet, the Portland Trailblazers.

This good-natured teenager loves playing video games, watching sports, and taking road trips to anywhere sunny. He was recently able to visit Disneyland and, like any typical teenager, sought out the scariest rides. “The Screamer was my favorite,” he laughed.

Elijah is fighting osteosarcoma with the same fearless spirit. It hasn’t been easy, but he says the support of his family has helped him get through the toughest times. “My family is my hero. They’ve stayed so strong through this, and that keeps me strong too.”


Meet CCA Hero, Nathalie


Meet CCA Hero, Caoimhe