Meet CCA Hero, Nathalie

A family of four stands together.

Update: Nathalie lost her battle with ASPS on October 10, 2015. We celebrate her courage and grace and continue to honor her as a part of our CCA family.

Brave. Strong. A fighter. These are words that are commonly used to describe Nathalie Traller, who has been battling a rare form of cancer called alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) with extraordinary grace and determination.

Nathalie’s fighting spirit served her well in her efforts to be approved for a trial drug that isn’t typically available for kids under 18. It was also evident when she reached her goal of walking one mile around her unit each day at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital last Christmas. (24 laps total!)

This gentle, soft-spoken girl loves to read and write, so it’s no surprise that Literature is her favorite subject at Sunset High School. After graduating, she plans to become a pediatric nurse like the ones that have brought her so much comfort.

“I’ve had such positive experiences with my nurses — I’d like to be able to make a child feel as good and as safe as they made me feel,” she said, smiling.


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