Meet CCA Hero, Keaton

A family sits together, laughing and smiling.

Keaton Traffie has earned the nickname “Courageous Keaton” by maintaining his spunky, playful attitude no matter how tough things get. He was first diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at 11 months old and was diagnosed with a secondary cancer in 2014 when he was five. Although he’s spent most of his young life in treatment, his mom Sarah says he never complains.

Keaton has endured two bone marrow transplants: the first from his big brother, Blake, and the second from his little sister, Brooklyn. Because of his fragile immune system, he has to go long periods without seeing his siblings — that’s where his Chemo Pal mentor, John, comes in.

“Having a Chemo Pal, someone to be a kid with him, has been such a gift,” Sarah says.

Keaton’s favorite activities include building LEGOs, playing board games with friends, and anything involving Batman. You’ll often find him in his front yard playing “superhero” and battling imaginary villains.

(Bad guys, beware: Keaton plans on being a police officer when he grows up.)


Meet CCA Hero, Sierra


Meet CCA Hero, Nathalie