Meet CCA Hero, Henry

Two parents hold their infant and toddler.

Henry is a good-natured three-year-old with a serious thing for superheroes and garbage trucks. He faces every day with boundless energy and joy — in fact, the first thing he says when he wakes up is, “Yay! It’s morning time!”

Henry’s positive attitude is even more impressive considering his medical challenges — he was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015, has undergone two brain surgeries, two stem cell transplants, three rounds of chemo, multiple transfusions, and long stays in the hospital.

Although there were lots of days that Henry felt tired or sick, he never failed to give the MyMusicRx team a smile or a high-five when they came to visit. He also loved hanging out with his Chemo Pal, Stephanie, who could always be counted on to bring lots of Play-Doh and other fun stuff to do.

Now that he’s in the maintenance phase of treatment, Henry is working hard in therapy and making some pretty amazing progress. In fact, he just started walking and recently informed his parents that he has superpowers.

To celebrate his accomplishments, they gave him the best gift ever — a brand-new baby brother named Everett.


¡El Baile! – 2016 CCA Wonderball


Meet CCA Hero, Holly