Meet CCA Hero, Holly

Family of seven smile at the camera.

Holly is a sweet, quiet third-grader who loves the color purple, practicing the piano, singing, riding her bike, and playing board games with her parents and four siblings.

While trying to enjoy every last minute of her summer vacation, persistent ear pain led to a diagnosis of a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. Although Holly’s world was suddenly filled with surgeries, radiation, and chemo, this brave young lady took it in stride.

“I had so much help from my friends, my family, and my Chemo Pal mentor Mandy,” she said. “They gave me the strength I needed to go on.”

During her time in the hospital, Holly’s musical skills were put to good use playing with the MyMusicRx team. In fact, she enjoyed it so much that she and her mom decided to perform in CCA’s annual Bedstock music festival. Her song choice? The very fitting “Fight Song.” She has inspired hundreds of people as she continues to perform this song for large audiences, earning standing ovations for her courage.

This young fighter is looking forward to finishing her treatments and getting back to normal life. She dreams of playing soccer, participating in gymnastics, and attending fourth grade. Until then, Holly takes life one day at a time and finds all the good and happiness each day brings.


Meet CCA Hero, Henry


Meet CCA Hero, Aaron