Meet CCA Hero, Matt

A family of five stand smiling at the camera.

Keep an ear out for Matt Pozsgai. This talented musician is about to record his first album, Where it All Started, with his group Fearless in the Fight. It’s a fitting description for Matt’s approach to cystic fibrosis, something he’s lived with since he was just four months old. 

Music is a big part of the Pozsgai family; his brother, Adam, plays drums in Matt’s band, and his sister, McKenna, is a talented vocalist. The three siblings love jamming with the MyMusicRx team during Matt’s frequent hospital admissions. Matt recently gave back to CCA by participating in our Bedstock Online Music Festival, where top artists perform from their beds in a show of support for sick kids across the nation.

When he’s not making music, this outgoing guy loves camping, playing basketball, and hanging out with his buddies. He’s also a talented public speaker, and frequently gives lectures to educate others about his disease. Although his treatments have been a full-time job lately, he’s looking forward to getting into the recording studio so he can continue to share his remarkable voice with the world.


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