Joyful News

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Mentor Robin Cedar Mentor Robin Cedar

Meet CCA Hero, Elijah

Elijah Mott’s smile is a true definition of what joy looks like. It lights up his entire face and appears whenever he talks about this big brother Isaiah, his Chemo Pal mentor, Jack, or his favorite team on the planet, the Portland Trailblazers.

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Mentor Robin Cedar Mentor Robin Cedar

Meet CCA Hero, Caoimhe

Little Caoimhe (pronounced KWEE-va), has a personality that sparkles just as brightly as her big blue eyes. Her family had recently moved to Portland from Dublin, Ireland, when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

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Press Guest User Press Guest User

Our Origin Story

May 7 marks a momentous day in JoyRx history. This was the day that, in 1995, Alexandra Ellis, at the age of just five and a half years old, died of cancer.

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Press Hannah Esrock Press Hannah Esrock

Meet Our Founder

Regina Ellis and her family founded Children’s Cancer Association in 1995 after her five-year-old daughter, Alexandra, died of cancer.

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A hand-drawn heart with lines crowning it, like sun rays.

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