Meet CCA Hero, Justus

Music has always been a big part of Justus’ life. As a toddler, he loved belting out “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on his toy microphone; by age three, he was already starting to sing harmonies. “He was quite the little ham,” said his dad Jason.

Meet CCA Hero, Joshua

When we say that Joshua has a winning smile, we mean it literally—this cheerful little guy actually won a trophy at his school for having the best smile. His contagious grin lights up his entire face and delights everyone around him, from his family, to his teachers, to his medical team.

Meet CCA Hero, Jacob

17-year-old Jacob Daskalakis has a contagious smile and a zest for life that is apparent the moment you meet him. He loves riding his dirt bike, running, cheering on the Portland Trail Blazers, and making others laugh.