Adventures in NatureRx with CCA Hero, Ana

Ana was diagnosed with Desmoid Fibromatosis, a cancer of the connective tissue, in 2017.  Normally an outgoing 16-year-old, Ana found herself suddenly anxious and isolated from her friends. Frequent visits to the hospital disconnected her from relationships and she longed to bond with other teens who could relate to her experiences. That’s when she decided to take advantage of Children’s Cancer Association’s (CCA) NatureRx program.

Living in the Moment with October CCA Hero, Uriah

At just three years old, our October Hero Uriah is wise beyond his years and a joy to everyone who meets him. He loves tractors, listening to animal sounds, and exploring the great outdoors with his family. Uriah’s deep love for nature makes it tough for him to receive treatment for neuroblastoma, which requires long days at the “sick hotel,” aka the hospital.

Always Looking on the Bright Side of Life

At just 19 years old, August CCA Hero David has faced cancer with more composure and positivity than most. It’s the part of his personality which inspires his family and has kept them laughing through the tough times.

Lyla's Story

Finding Lyla’s Smile

If you had asked me two years ago to describe my family, I would have said we were the typical Washington family… But in the summer of 2017, our four-year-old daughter, Lyla, was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor.

CCA Hero Weston

March CCA Hero, Weston

Just try keeping up with Weston. March CCA Hero is fun-loving Weston! A fan of hiking, exploring, and flying kites, he’s also particularly fond of cheesy bread, strawberry ice cream, and his baby brother, Reid.

McKenzie Blog Thumbnail

Ready Set Action – McKenzie’s Music Moment

McKenzie’s music moment came when she took part in the 2016 Bedstock. She’s known as a prankster with the medical team, playing tricks on them and working her sassy charm. She’s also a kind, thoughtful girl, whose positive outlook inspires everyone who meets her.