January Hero DJ

January CCA Hero, D.J.

Headaches led to a hospital visit for January CCA Hero, D.J. where his doctors found a brain tumor. That was the moment his entire life changed.

December Hero Paris

December CCA Hero, Paris

Paris’ life got tipped upside down when a small mole turned out to be melanoma, but this fearless young lady wasn’t about to let it get in the way of living an adventurous life.

November Hero Dawson

November CCA Hero, Dawson

Seventeen-year-old Dawson doesn’t speak much, but his giant smile says it all. This good-natured guy has had to face a number of medical challenges, including diabetes, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and pulmonary hypertension.

October CCA Hero Lyla

October CCA Hero – Lyla

October CCA Hero, Lyla, is a charming four-year-old with a smile that’s just as big as her personality. She loves painting, doing puzzles, baking, and reading books about her favorite characters.

September CCA Hero – Cyrus

Even though he’s only 10 months old, Cyrus – or “Squishy” as his mom and dad like to call him – is already melting hearts with his giant smile and goofy personality.