Always Looking on the Bright Side of Life

At just 19 years old, August CCA Hero David has faced cancer with more composure and positivity than most. It’s the part of his personality which inspires his family and has kept them laughing through the tough times.

Embracing Joy with Andrea Corradini

Andrea Corradini discovered CCA by “happy accident.” Some 15 years ago she stumbled upon a CCA Gala in-progress. She asked to join the party, somebody gave her a chair, and the rest is history – or we should say, herstory.

August CCA Hero Danielle

August CCA Hero – Danielle

Seven-year-old Danielle has a hero in her life—someone she looks up to when her medical challenges seem too tough to face. Who is it? “ME!” she proclaimed.

Sol Making Music

A Long Day At The Hospital, Sol’s Story [Part 2 of 3]

When Sol was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma her parents received a mountain of paperwork, the only form they completed was CCA’s Chemo Pal Mentor. Part two of a three-part series on Sol’s time in the hospital.