Emma May Hero

May CCA Hero – Emma

Princess alert! May Hero, Emma Baker, is a sparkly girl with a passion for pink and all things princess related. She’ll eagerly sing at the top of her lungs upon request, and even throw in a few twirls for good measure.

Chrystalyn CCA Hero

April CCA Hero – Chrystalyn

April CCA Hero, Chrystalyn, is a polite and poised young lady who loves a good DIY project. She also has a blood disorder called hemoglobin E beta thalassemia, which is why her Chemo Pal Mentor made all the difference during frequent hospital visits.

March CCA Hero – Blake Eames

His name is Blake, but you can call him Blakey Jo. Blake is an outdoorsy guy who loves digging in the dirt, blowing bubbles, driving his toy truck, and chasing his two big brothers every chance he gets.